
sábado, 12 de julho de 2014


Everything began in 2010 when two participants of group wanted to create the new project, one was fond earlier the punk of fate, another played in HUNNGARD group (pagan death metal) earlier. I never knew these dudes, and they began without me. Everything was very long. The first concert was at a festival Rock Parel in Mariupol in 2011. The collective worked nine months over the program. Mariupol quite strange city in the relation threw scenes. Festivals here take place very seldom on holidays, as for metal of festivals, it is very big rarity. And to act there is nobody. Very big number of beginning groups, here they simply teem, and how many groups gather and break up every year without having started even rehearsing normally and seriously to work over the program. Well I think that it is in each city. Collectives gather in this city very seldom. Especially I threw orientations. At us no, I didn't throw portals, not forums on which musicians communicate and look for new participants of groups. And therefore if to gather somehow the project, or there will be any concert, this quite big sobity.


 I am engaged in it already enough much. This year there will be 8 years as for the first time took a guitar. I always wanted to play something eksrimalny and melodious that will be always interesting to the listener. Certainly there is a lot of influences. Naturally the known heavy-metal is the basis, still those pioneers such as the uncle Ingvi, by Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and similar old and all... who plays and it is still possible. But this project any was a little not usual in that plan that everyone began to determine by the that it was. That is there are many opinions about it.Rather pagan subjects which were offered by the bass player were the basis Khoroyar group. As for music, about everyone year it changed, changed and finished, that is it was formed quite long time, and different people.


 Music of Khoroyar group is any not a clear substitute, there are various styles, everything was composed on pieces, and to tell heavy to tell on more precisely what it is similar. So the majority and thinks today. But certainly in what framework it is similar to melodious deadly metal, but with some new knocks, more the modernist style that - whether sounds than those in the 90th years when played. Personally I thought over it very much how to improve a sound, in respect of notes and in respect of sounding. Over it we took a steam bath much. Reached before that identical sensors on guitars simply bought from us there were seymor duncan blackouts AHB-1 set, but one guitar sounded more in a low timbre, and the second rather in more average, at the correct panorama and sounding distance, even playing not on a lamp we could build up quite interesting mix. We never worked with a tube sound, it wasn't simple such opportunity. And we could achieve quite good sounding with those which we had.


 If to speak about the facts, actually it is quite big problem. Groups also represent a big problem. Both financial, and organizational, temporary. On it too many forces are necessary, many don't maintain and throw simply.That big return, aspiration, desire to create is necessary to be engaged in it.


 I will tell you that this group it is possible to tell even still made nothing. You can see our concerts here. The group acted with the Ukrainian local teams, and also European same but it is possible above on level teams. Separately I could tell the impressions about experience of game on one scene with group Unearthly (black-death, Brazil).Here some concerts which to all of us were remembered.


 I think who many beginning collectives will agree with me that merchandise and similar production can be sold at concerts, and it usually only and rescues young collectives as now all are known that to count on something very hard, in any case to speak about stars at which now at all very big problems with concerts, with finance and an opupayemost of this musical business. At present there is available no merchandise.


 This my work first by a demo. We didn't begin to sell it on a label and didn't plan rather as it there was far not a master record. We didn't expect to do it on sale. The matter is that the public very much demanded, it wanted to hear us in a MP3 and as though and all the others were not against. We wrote down this work in one house studio at one companion at the beginning of November. It was very heavy as time in Ukraine not warm, heating in that room didn't suffice, it was cold. But there was to have a rest no time. There was a problem with sound extraction, at many, and also a problem with a vocal which many time corresponded and as on me it doesn't sound ideally, so actually the vocalist thinks. Sounds so-so.So actually think all from us. But there were serious problems with finance, time, the bass player was ill then. 

To it was hard vchery to come and accumulate party. So all moved very long and hard. The sound was created on one American sound card, honestly I don't remember on what, but sounded it enough not badly. About texts I would like to add that texts about actually about Russia, old times, and volume who were these people - Slavs. It were very fine people. Texts were not author's and one our friend who lived for couple one hundred kilometers from us to the north. Our bass player remembered this author on the to last groups.The sound was removed long enough. As for personally me that I made everything that from me was required. But then then I understood what mistakes we made, but already was late. Everything went a lump.In this work you can hear the electronic drums, the emulated guitars, some reverberation, but as a whole certainly at that time it was pleasant to me, but there was one nuance, a sound to me it seems it turned out plastic, not real a little, and very chilly everything sounds in that plan that something doesn't suffice, probably keyboard or something else... I can't precisely tell.But as I understood further... This work appeared not so heavy considering that its fund at that time was in 2012 of only $200. It certainly is ridiculous, but we as though and weren't able to afford the bigger.As a whole, I think, this work was pleasant to much, and local and in other countries on the world.


 The scene of heavy metal of Ukraine simply teems with similar collectives. Ukrainian metal the scene totals huge number of groups of different substyles, but its level very low. As a whole, to Ukraine there come different foreign guests. They here in a priority. On them enough not badly go almost always. I will tell some names which personally are pleasant to me. In similar style play in Ukraine the following groups: Sol Inside, Dimicandum, INFINITE TALES, BALFOR, FLESHGORE (brutal metal), MORTON (heavy/power metal), JINJER and similar, is a lot of them that all won't go in in the head. Yes and no sense to list as a sound of the Ukrainian groups very budgetary, and it is far not the professional. On fingers it is possible to list those who has a professional sound.In Ukraine there is a lot of musicians. Rather as well as in the Scandinavian countries, only sound all differently.

But as though there wasn't, Ukraine remains quite attractive scene for all stars even the world scale sometimes come to the capital of Kiev. As will be will show time further. But it seems to me we in this plan are still very far from ideality. We have no normal professional threw studios. It is the fact. That is to create a normal product it is necessary to go abroad to Europe or Scandinavia for receiving the corresponding sound. All gangs are written at studios which have total fund simply ridiculous and scanty. In total on a minimum. In Russia just the same situation. And even worse in some far places.


 Future plans... ? ? ) Well rather this desire to understand that in Ukraine will be that that it won't be a shame show to the world can. Actually, plans are. But there was no wish to disclose them. And everything can exchange at any time. At this stage our country endures serious difficulties. All of you know from world news that at us here occurs, but all are optimistic. All dream that it once will pass and never more than the such will repeat. Now very few people play here.


 All many thanks! I am always glad to communicate on this subject. Who yet wasn't everything at us I advise to visit our country a bit later. There is much that interesting. Come on international a rock festival it is worth it there to visit.

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